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Mooska pere

Mooska Suitsusauna talu pere elab Vällamäe metsade keskel tavalist maainimeste elu. Kesksel kohal on selles elus meieni esivanemate kaudu jõudnud austus looduse, suitsusauna, toidu ja traditsioonide vastu.

Jagame külalistega oma elustiili: seikluslikke retki lummavate loodusvaadetega Haanjama kuplitel ja orgudes, suitsusauna mõnu koos tiigisuplustega ja lihtsat ausat hääd sööki!

Mooska pere


Studio ART center

Florence, Italy
2014 – 2016

Royal college of art London

London, UK
2012 – 2014

Royal college of art Manchestr

New York, NY
2007 – 2011

School of Visual Arts

New York, NY
2004 – 2008


A solo exhibition featuring my recent abstract works. Some of the paintings are available for sale on my online shop.


A solo exhibition featuring my recent abstract works. Some of the paintings are available for sale on my online shop.

/ March 2022

An exhibition of my splash series at New York Gallery. You can get the digital prints on my shop.


An exhibition of my splash series at New York Gallery. You can get the digital prints on my shop.

/ Nov 2021

The Lost City exhibition depicts the life of an urban city and busy people. The show took city at New York.

The Lost City

The Lost City exhibition depicts the life of an urban city and busy people. The show took city at New York.

/ Aug 2021

/ Maalimine

I specialize in abstract painting. Life is full of colors, so my paintings. My art expression is bold and high contrast. I express my art style with big brushes and splashes of paints. They are random yet uniform.

/ Kaubandus

I can be commissioned for commercial projects such as wall art, advertisement, home staging art, and more. Since every art is unique, so it can be difficult to estimate its value. Võtke minuga hinnapakkumise saamiseks ühendust.

/ Kontakt

I also do personal projects such as home wall art, custom painting, 1-on-1 art class/tutor, and art critics/reviews. Note that personal projects can not be used for distribution without consent.