Thoughts about Estonia from an Englishman’s perspective

Viimase aja huvitavama lugemisena sattusin artiklile, kus Eestis paar korda viibinud “Englishman” kirjeldab eestlasi ja nende kombeid oma vaatevinklist. Tuleb mainida et kui tegevused kontekstist välja tõsta, siis tundub see täiesti jabur. Oluline on siiski tähele panna et kõikidele välismaalastele ei sobi meie kultuur ning neid võõrustades tuleb sellega kindlasti arvestada.

An interesting example of the differences has to be the attitude towards sauna. Put an Englishman in a room full of native Estonians and mere mention of the word is enough to make the hapless visitor break out in a sweat. The English just don’t do ‘naked’ with others and the thought that they will be coerced into participation against their will and yet at the same time not wanting to offend their hosts is a paradox that creates a great deal of embarrassment all round. And you can see that this is the lack of confidence coming out again. Estonians just don’t give a fig what others think. They want to have a few drinks, get naked and enjoy themselves. What do any other peoples thoughts have to do with what they themselves are doing?

Rohkem mõtteid Eesti kohta saab lugeda siit: